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Medical software, devices and systems serve the health of people. They must function with maximum reliability. We are at your side, so that you can live up to your responsibility.

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With our solutions we accompany you in all phases of simulation and testing of the most complex Med-Tech systems.

Code Analysis & Software Unit Testing
Code Coverage | CI Pipeline | On Host & Target | IEC 62304

Automatically check your code with PC-lint Plus for violations of internal code guidelines as well as analyzing compliance with industry standards, e.g. CERT C and MISRA.IEC 62304 includes guidelines for testing any software components that are part of a medical device. The VectorCAST embedded software test platform supports the creation and management of test cases to prove that the low-level software requirements have been tested and is also useful for a variety of robustness testing activities such as range and out of bounds testing.

Additionally, the VectorCAST tools support the capture and reporting of structural code coverage at all levels recommended by IEC 62304. Tests can be executed on the host as well as on the target hardware. PC-lint Plus and VectorCAST integrate seamlessly in CI/CT environments.

Software System Testing in Virtual Environments
Component, Integration and System Tests | Virtual Validation | DevOps

Test the full functionality of your implemented system in a virtual environment with CANoe4SW before moving on to the hardware. The System Under Test is accessed by its functional system interfaces at a pure software level. This enables early “black-box” testing in virtual execution environments independently of hardware availability.

Tests can be parallelized and executed faster than realtime. CANoe4SW integrates seamlessly in CI/CT environments. Environment simulation by models: Build a “natural ecosystem” for your software under test. Simulate both physical and software environments. Test single software components in isolation before integrating into subsystems.

Automated Testing of Integrated Hardware/ Software Systems
Test the functionality of the software together with the hardware components of your system.

Whether you are testing the first subsystems during development or the final production test, with CANoe, vTESTstudio and VT System you have a "growing" and integrated solution that allows you to reuse test cases from the software systemtest with little effort and high efficiency. Access to all interfaces of your system under test, e.g. via analog/digital I/Os and communication interfaces such as CAN/CANopen, Ethernet, SDC and EtherCAT, and simulate (programmatically or via Matlab) your sensor/actuator environment and missing subsystems.

You get a scalable solution for automated and reproducible testing of your system for all application areas, from the development workstation to the lab and final production test.

Code Analysis & Software Unit Testing
Code Coverage | CI Pipeline | On Host & Target | IEC 62304
Software System Testing in Virtual Environments
Component, Integration and System Tests | Virtual Validation | DevOps
Automated Testing of Integrated Hardware/ Software Systems
Test the functionality of the software together with the hardware components of your system.
We cannot reduce complexity,
but only master it together.
Daniel Haas
Key Account Vector Medical

30 years of experience
by engineers for engineers.
Dr. Ulrich Berthold
Key Account Vector Medical

What is Your Topic?
Systems Engineering
CAN | CANopen
I/O Access
System Validation
IEEE 11073 SDC
IEC 62304 | FDA
Software Testing
AI/ML Validation
Systems Engineering

Agile and holistic systems engineering with PREEvision: Create and manage digital models of complex systems with a comprehensive set of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) tools and full support for the RFLP approach (Description of Requirements, Functions, Logical, Physical in the context of System Design).


Medical device manufacturers need high-quality software development to meet stringent standards like ISO 14971, ISO 13485, IEC 62304, IEC 60601,Medical SPICE, and FDA regulations. Vector Consulting Services provides professional support in product development and agile process transformation, code quality analysis and security tests for robust cybersecurity.

CAN | CANopen

You can efficiently plan, manage, simulate, test and commission CANopen networks with our CANopen option for Vector CANoe. During the system design phase, you can simulate the future behavior of a system, estimate the bus load, and draw conclusions such as the required hardware performance.

I/O Access

During system validation, the medical device must be tested in an environment where it cannot tell the difference between the real environment and the test environment. For this purpose, the I/O’s of the medical device are connected to a Vector VT System, or Vector VIO System, which allows easy setup of test benches.

System Validation

Looking for a state-of-the-art test environment for system validation of medical devices? Vector CANoe offers many open interfaces and make it very easy to adapt to your test environment. Simply test the integration of hardware, check digital and analog I/Os with Vector VT System, or connect to external test systems via program and scripts calls, or just use tools like IBM DOORS for traceability, requirements, and much more.

IEEE 11073 SDC

Service-Oriented Device Connectivity (SDC) is a protocol for standardized data transfer between connected medical devices. For the development of medical devices, we offer efficient simulation and test environments that can be used in all phases of product development. And our IEEE 11073 SDC Stack and Integration Kit offers medical device manufacturers an efficient way of integrating the standard into their devices.

IEC 62304 | FDA

Complying with IEC 62304 is essential for ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical devices. With VectorCAST, developers can ensure that their software meets the stringent requirements of IEC 62304. Thorough testing procedures allow manufacturers to identify and rectify any potential issues or vulnerabilities, ensuring that their devices meet the FDA's standards for safety and effectiveness.

Software Testing

Automate your unit testing for C and C++: VectorCAST/C++ allows you to perform unit tests on individual functions or groups of functions to ensure that your application meets its requirements without errors. The tool provides both pass/fail analysis and code coverage analysis to support the testing of any class of medical device.

AI/ML Validation

The use of artificial intelligence in a regulated environment such as medical technology is associated with numerous challenges. AI is very different from traditional rule-based algorithms and therefore requires new methods for validating AI. One of the most important requirements for AI is explainability and transparency.

IEEE 11073 SDC Stack and Integration Kit
Stack for Networking Medical Devices in Clinical Operations
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From SDC Stack to SDC Development Tools
Get ready to run SDC: The Vector Solution Portfolio for Service-Oriented Device Connectivity makes it easy to implement the standard for safe and secure networking in OR and Clinics.
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Medical Device Development
Developing medical devices requires a meticulous approach, with rigorous testing and attention to detail. We challenged ourselves and our tool chain to develop an electrocardiogram (ECG) device, for demonstration purposes only.
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By Your Side.
Are you interested in engineering solutions for electronic and software in medical and healthcare applications?

Then let’s talk!

Dr. Ulrich Berthold
Key Account Vector Medical

Are you interested in engineering solutions for electronic and software in medical and healthcare applications?

Then let’s talk!

Dr. Ulrich Berthold
Key Account Vector Medical
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